jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010



If I were president

(Sent by Paola Pintos, a student from Tacuarembó, Uruguay)
     If I were president, I would try to give people more works jobs. I would try to work hard so they have their own house, I would try to give everybody a place to live, their food when needed.
    I would also try that everybody had has work to do. Work is the first thing that I would improve if I worked as president, because I think everybody needs work. I believe to be a president isn't a magic person, he must be a hardworking person.
      I would work with children too: better schools, free books, more places where to practise sports. Built Building news places is very important. I would build places where children can play and enjoing enjoy their free times.
    I think it is very difficult to be an acceptable president and everybody to be happy with you. Somebody always would disagree with you.
Type 2 Conditionals

Las oraciones condicionales del segundo tipo sirven para expresar situaciones que podrían ocurrir si se cumpliera una determinada condición hipotética.
Por ejemplo:
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.
Si tuviera un millón de dólares, compraría una casa grande.
A esta oración se la denomina oración condicional del segundo tipo. Expresa que pasaría si se cumpliera una condición imaginaria, hipotética (que es poco probable que se cumpla). En realidad, no tengo un millón de dólares, solamente estoy imaginando qué haría si los tuviera.
If + condición + consecuencia

If + Past + would

Estas oraciones se forman comenzando con IF y agregando la condición, expresada en tiempo pasado. Luego, se agrega lo que ocurriría si se cumple esa condición, expresado con would seguido del verbo.
If I had a calculator, I would do this homework quicker (but I don't have a calculator).
Si tuviera una calculadora, haría esta tarea más rápido (pero no tengo una calculadora).

If you lost your keys, you would have a big problem.
Si perdieras las llaves, tendrías un gran problema.

If I worked less, I would have more free time.
Si trabajara menos, tendría más tiempo libre.

Siempre debe utilizarse el tiempo pasado en la parte de la oración que tiene el if y el verbo modal would en la parte de la oración que contiene la consecuencia. Es incorrecto decir:

If I would work less, I would have more free time.
If I worked less, I would have more free time.

El verbo modal would puede usarse también en su forma contracta 'd.

If I worked less, I'd have more free time.




Riddles are very useful to learn a language. Many of them are the same in other languages but others are specially British or American. Many of them play with words, meanings and similar sounds. Try to guess the answer to these riddles without translating them!

Why was Cinderella taken off the basketball team?
She always ran away from the ball.

What is the difference between a jeweller and a jailer?
One sells watches and the other one watches cells.

What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No idea. (No-eye deer).

What goes dot-dash-squeak-dash-dot-squeak-squeak?
Mouse code.

Why do bees always have sticky hair?
Because they have honeycombs.

What is at the end of everything?
The letter G.

What starts with "t", ends with "t" and is full of "t"?
A teapot.

What starts with "e", ends with "e" but only has one letter?
An envelope.

If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea, what does it become?

Why are pianos difficult to open?
Because the keys are inside.

How do you stop a cock from crowing on Sunday
morning and waking you up?
Have it for dinner on Saturday night.

Why are Saturdays and Sundays strong days?
Because the other five are weak days.

When is a door not a door?
When it's ajar. ("ajar" significa entornada)

What kind of animal can jump higher than a house?
All animals can jump. House cannot.

What do you serve that you cannot eat?
A tennis ball.